Orbiteers defy the odds

13 09 2010

At the recent Aussiecon  get-together, we realised that as a group the Orbiteers are doing way better than the general population of aspiring writers. This is worthy of a woo AND a hoo!

Three of our number can now boast publishing contracts for novel-length works, and we are bouncing about cyberspace doing the shiny happy dance with a collective squeeeee!

Luke Keioskie was first out of the gate with Dead America, which went boldly into print though sadly was not available in Australia.

Graham Storrs took the suitably futuristic path to publication when his novel TimeSplash was first published as an e-book in 2009; it is about to be released as an audio book and print edition.

And  at our reunion get-together on the second night of Aussiecon, Joanne Anderton revealed some exciting news! She hasn’t officially announced yet, so that’s all the detail we can share just yet. But SQUEEE.