Aurealis Anyone?

8 01 2009

Hi Ganglions,

Thinking of flying up to the Aurealis Awards is Brisvegas on the 24th of Jan, anyone else thinking of going? All the info is here:

An important chance to drunkenly suck up to people more successful than us, but more importantly the last chance you’ll get to see me, cause I’m moving to New Zealand next month.

Any takers?


Doom and gloom and creativity

7 01 2009

there’s been a lot of speculation lately about the global economic situation and writers, particularly on the decreasing chances of new writers getting published. at first, i was also disheartened by this, until i remembered something i came across years ago. apparently, during times of upheaval or hardship, artists can produce their most creative and exciting work! so while the publishing opportunities might be discouraging, if we can wait it out and keep writing, we might just churn out our best work yet.
keep up the good work, fellow writers!